Thursday, November 7, 2013

How to Resolve Your Relationships' Legal Issues

Legal Issues for Co-habiting Couples

As it was mentioned previously in one of my earlier blogs, the purpose for legal marriage was to protect the family's or the individual's personal assets. Most couples who lived at the turn of the century were either poor laborers, farmers or craftsmen who owned little if any real property or valuable possessions. Legal marriages allowed people to establish heirs to property, and the distribution of assets in the event of death or divorce for those who were fortunate enough to have accumulated such assets. 

However, since then people have obtained significant wealth, more tangible assets, and personal possessions which require protection from loss or damages. Some people think about protecting themselves from financial ruin constantly, and some people are so enamored with Romance, that resolving any legal issues in a relationship is the furthest thing from their minds. Those people are not only called stupid,...they are called LITIGANTS. (Parties who have been named in a lawsuit)

Please click on and read the following article on this website that reviews several issues that couples who choose to NOT live together under a legal bond, must be prepared to face in the event that their relationship goes badly.

When you finish reading the article and completing the chart and exercises that are presented to you, come back and finish reading this blog.

If you do not wish to take the time or the effort to educate yourself about what the legal problems that can exist while you choose to live UNHAPPILY EVER AFTER, might be...I can only warn you to prepare yourself to be named in a lawsuit, custody or child support petition, or some other legal suit to resolve the problem.  The courts are filled to the brim with people who did not "look before they leaped" into sexual relationships that turned into legal nightmares.

I, myself, have been named as a party in more than a few legal entanglements, and can truthfully say that, had I only known then what I know now...I would have taken TRIPLE precautions against being hurt financially, spiritually and physically by my ex-partners. I used to sit in Family Court and think to myself:  "Damn,...all l these people are here because they f##ked the WRONG person!" Or, I would watch Judge Judy or Judge Joe Brown and think about where those people would be if they had only been aware of what problems could have been avoided BEFORE they got to court.

Protection nowadays does not ONLY mean wearing a condom. It means avoiding identity theft, credit rating destruction, loss of income, loss of valuable property, AND emotional devastation. There is nothing more horrible than losing everything you own or have worked your entire life to establish because all you thought about was how good the sex was, or how much money you THOUGHT your partner was going to give you. But now you're sitting in the courthouse reading this on Facebook, wondering how you got yourself into this mess...And more are you going to get out of it?

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